Business Success(ion) Planning Videos Now Available!

Over the next several weeks and months, we will be posting videos from the Business Success(ion) Planning Bootcamp for Advisors, led by Wayne M. Zell, Esq., to enhance the business planning understanding and toolbox of professionals and clients alike. The Bootcamp took place from March through October 2017 and covered the primary topics in Wayne’s new book on Business Success(ion) Planning (estimated release in March 2018), including:

Episode 1: Launching the Business – How do you build and execute a proper business and succession plan?

Episode 2: Growing and Soaring – How do you get to the next level in your business?

Episode 3: Navigating Rough Waters – What setbacks should you anticipate and how do you plan for unexpected events?

Episode 4: Planning for the Exit/Landing – How do you build a process and a tailored exit plan for your business?

Episode 5: Anatomy of an Merger/Acquisition – What are the steps and details faced in a typical merger and acquisition transaction?

Episode 6: Post-Exit Planning – Now that you’ve exited your business, what do you do?

This thorough look at business planning and business succession planning is based on Wayne’s 37 years of accounting experience and 32 years of legal experience in counseling clients and entrepreneurs from early stage to exit. We hope you enjoy the videos (available on Blueprint for Wealth!). Stay tuned for Wayne’s new book, which will be available on in Spring 2018!